24 June, 2014

Oban, Day 2

Today was a day of boats.  After breakfast at the hotel, we headed down to the ferry terminal to catch the ferry.  One 45 minute trip and we made it to the island of Mull.  The ferry was pretty typical, cafe, shop, lounge.  Nothing too fancy.

I love a little shop!

Though the day started off pretty overcast, we ended up with great weather. It only drizzled for just a bit before it stopped.

Once on the Island of Mull we loaded into a coach and headed off across the island.  Our streak of lovely tour guides continued and we had the funniest guide.  He talked the whole way there and had quite a few funny stories.  Even though these photos are through the window of the coach, you can see just how beautiful the island is.  We didn't make it to the largest Village of Tobermorey but I have to save something for next time.  I've combined both legs of the journey into one just to make for easier viewing.

Once on the far end of Mull, we took another ferry and headed out to the Island of Iona.  This Island has a very early abbey that survived the reformation mostly intact.  It also holds the burial ground for several of the early kings of Scotland including Macbeth and Duncan.  (Yes they were real kings, no not like the Shakespeare versions)  As expected, the island is beautiful as well.  Below you'll see the ruins of the nunnery and the abbey itself, inside and out.  Iona is also home to the best preserved Celtic crosses in the British Isles.

Nunnery ruins

Garden view to the sea

I found Peter Rabbit!

Iona Abbey

Looks almost tropical, doesn't it?

We headed back to our hotel with a short stop for an amazing fish dinner in town.  And since I hadn't posted them before, here is our hotel.

And to top it all off, here is the view from our hotel.

I would highly recommend the Manor House.  It's a bit more of a walk into town than advertised, but it's been a great place to stay. Tomorrow we hit the road again and after a couple of stops in Oban, we'll head towards Inverness and Loch Ness.  Can't wait!

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